AWD Studio Artists
Art Works Downtown provides affordable studio spaces for artists working in visual-art mediums. We welcome both individual artists and groups. The art studios is an important program because the studio artists are a source of constant creativity in the AWD environment and the greater community. Each artist creates at Art Works Downtown because of the proximity to their peers and because of AWD’s availability to the public. The studio artists welcome your curiosity and visitation during our open hours. The best time to meet all of them at once is during the 2nd Friday Art Walk every month. We hope to meet you soon.
Preview the art studio tenants before visiting by clicking on their images below.
Apply to become a studio artist
Studio 28: Sunila Bajracharya
Studio 29: Barry Beach
Studio 18: Harry L. Caldwell IV
Studio 26: Cedars
Studio 25: CiCi Chao
Studio 31: Yuan Chen
Studio 23: Marc Cohen
Studio 30: Duane M Conliffe
Studio 34: Carol Durham
Studio 21: Mirto Golino
Studio 14: Deborah Darling Gray
Studio 28: Kathy Gray
Studio 10: Joanne Harwood
Studio 10: Carol Jacobsen
Studio 35: Stephanie Jucker
Studio 2: Barbara Lawrence
Studio 13: Nini Lion
Marin Jewelers Guild
Studio 7: Susan McCormick
Studio 19: Lara’s Lab/Lara Myers
Studio 6: Patricia Oji
Studio 37: Cindy A. Pavlinac
Studio 3: Davis Perkins
Studio 6: Joy Phoenix
Studio 38: Minna Pinger
Studio 36: Barbara Poole
Studio 9: Margo Reis
Studio 32: Susan Searway-Fertig
The Sweet Spirit Ceramics Center Barbara Andino-Stevenson
Studio 22 Plamen Tanev
Studio 20: Will Toft
Studio 8: Sue Weil
Studio 33: Anne E. Wolfe
Studio 4: Jay Yinger
Art Works Downtown also houses four commercial destinations