Underground Gallery

Time and Tide by Emil Yanos

February 14–March 28, 2025
February 14, 5–8pm: Reception and 2nd Friday Art Walk
March 14, 5–8pm: Reception and 2nd Friday Art Walk

Time and Tide by Emil Yanos


The breakdown of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth’s surface caused by chemical and physical interactions with air, water, and living organisms, including humans. Once broken down, particles are carried away, revealing the physical evidence of both processes.  I use the properties of clay to capture expressions of weathering and erosion.


Ceramic Sculptor Emil Yanos has been working with clay since 1993.  Officially trained in Floral and Graphic Design, his ceramic work weaves together aspects of both disciplines.  Through hands-on experimentation, he has found that working with clay provides an excellent opportunity to explore both color and texture.  Emil enjoys exploring the sculptural nature of clay as opposed to the two-dimensional limitations of graphic design.  His work is organic and inspired of the earth.  Elemental forms give his work primitive yet refined sensibilities.

Emil studied Floral Design from the highly respected program at City College of San Francisco in 2002, and was he inducted into the prestigious American Institute of Floral Designers as a Certified Floral Designer.  Prior to working with flowers, Emil completed his BFA in Graphic Design at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, after beginning his education at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, where he was born and raised.

Emil’s goal in all of his creative endeavors is to communicate meaning, extending beyond the visual form to encourage an emotional response from his audience.


The Underground Gallery is located in the lower level of the art center, which can be accessed through 1337, 1331, 1325 Fourth Street entrances.

See upcoming Underground Gallery exhibits here