Studio 19: Lara’s Lab/Lara Myers 

It Feels Like This expresses the paralyzing and overwhelmingly strong emotions that I (and others) feel when processing the reality and  impact of the various horrifying aspects of these insane times and of the prospects for the future of humankind, animalkind and the earth itself. Life-size soft sculpture. Fabric, thread and stuffing. 23”x12”x22” as shown; 5 feet tall when extended to standing.

documentary installation art

I focus on the experimentation with and exploration of documentary installation art that addresses topics like human displacement, the electoral college, the earth’s plastic waste fiasco, sexual harassment and discrimination, and now, unfortunately, a global pandemic. The intent of my art is to educate and bring awareness to issues in a way that is memorable and thought-provoking. My art explores issues that are relevant in these crazy times, it creates a historical record for future reflection and it informs and engages the community.

All projects are based in thorough and, at times, excruciatingly upsetting research. Every choice I make in materials, tools and techniques is intentional and carefully designed to speak to the topic of the project. By having a studio at Art Works Downtown, I have been very fortunate to interact with people as they view and process my installations. This allows me to gauge the effectiveness of the choices I made when designing the project. This is a valuable part of the development of my work because the point of my art is to expand people’s knowledge of and way of looking at a specific issue.

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studio hours: to be announced