Apply to Exhibit
The Art Works Downtown Exhibits Program highlights artists who are committed to their artistic practice, promotes IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility), encourages artistic expression, and aims to build community and engage the public. AWD invites artists, curators, art organizations, and art groups who live 100 miles from San Rafael CA, to apply to and propose exhibits. We hope you will apply and share your creativity!
How to Apply
Call for Entries
The themes of the exhibits offer continuity and boundaries, but also aim to invite a wide variety of interpretations. If you’re not sure if you’re artwork qualifies, it probably does. This is a great way to build your resume, experience, meet artists, and get exposure to art professionals such as gallery owners.
The application process is provided through, which requires artists to open a free account. Applicants must pay an entry fee—discounted for AWD members—to submit entries.
Internet browser:
To ensure credit card security, Call for requires clients to use updated internet browsers (such as Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer). Before you begin using , make sure your browser is up-to-date by going to this website: If you're version is not current make sure to update the software. If you are constrained by hardware limitations (example: old Mac's can't upgrade to new Safari), simply download a different, and current, browser. We recommend Firefox.Image File format:
http://browsehappy.comJPEG only, dimensions: No smaller than 1200 pixels on the longest side, resolution: 72 ppi/dpi, Size: 5 MB maximum. Make sure your images follow these parameters. If you are uploading an image and the process is taking a long time (longer than 5-10 minutes), probably wrong. Unfortunately the CAFÉ message does not tell you this, it only says that it is loading and make take a while.
Learn more about CAFÉ.org image file requirements:
Free online image softwares to resize your image:
Applying for a call:
Uploading images to your “Portfolio” and applying to a call for entries are two different processes. When you apply for an exhibition you will need to choose entries from your Portfolio by checking little boxes next to the images. If you only have three images in your Portfolio, you must check the box for each entry to submit that entry.
Make sure to “PREVIEW” before checking out. Once you click “CHECK OUT” you can NOT change or correct your application.
Checking Out, Payment and Coupon Codes:
When you have looked at your application “PREVIEW” and you see all of your entry images, click “CHECK OUT.” This will begin the payment process. Follow the prompts to pay for your entries. Only credit cards are accepted. If you are an AWD Artist Member you can use your coupon code to receive an entry fee discount. Simply follow the prompts until it asks you for the Coupon Code (you will not see this right away). Then enter the code and proceed.
Philosophical Understanding:
We understand that the online application process can be frustrating and hope you will overcome technology to participate in our exhibitions. While the CAFÉ.org service isn't perfect, it is a very helpful service for AWD and artists alike. As you apply through this process, we encourage you to take a deep breath, think logically (not emotionally) and take your time to thoroughly read the prompts and consider the buttons. If you are digitally challenged, you may want to find someone who is comfortable with the digital realm. Offer them a cup of coffee, fresh baked bread or small payment for their time. Remember to give yourself time and be patient and calm.
Propose Your Exhibit
Submit a proposal to be considered for an exhibition. Whether you’re ready for a solo exhibit, have a group of artists to exhibit with, or curate artists; we hope you will apply. Continue reading to learn more about the proposal process.
Apply by emailing the proposal to program assistant Christine Santos
Include the following items: (We prefer to have all the information included in one PDF document under 20MB.)
Exhibition Vision Statement: Outline the exhibition’s concept. Explain how the artists and artwork support your vision and goal of the exhibit. (2000 words maximum).
Images of proposed artworks
5–20 images showing the artworks to exhibit. We recognized the selection of art in the proposal may not be be guaranteed, but the images should provide a good example of what the exhibit will include.
Include a list of artwork information featured in the proposal images including title, media, dimensions.
Artist information: resumes, bios, artist statements, and links for each artist you plan to exhibit
Curator resume, bio, links, curator statement, examples of past exhibits
You’re welcome to submit additional information if it helps to explain your vision.
Proposals are reviewed by an anonymous committee. Applicants may not receive a response unless they are approved. Please understand we are unable provide critiques or feedback about your proposal.
Proposals are evaluated based on qualities such as strength of concept, quality of artworks, quantity of proposed artworks, and feasibility of exhibit plan.
Attention is given to proposals supporting themes of inclusivity, diversity, equity, or accessibility.
Concepts should be accessible to a wide spectrum of audience from art-educated guests to people who are new to art.
Artwork content with explicit sexual content or graphic violence is prohibited.
Artists must reside within 100 miles of San Rafael
Video art is welcome, but must qualify as follows.Audible works must use headphones; they can not broadcast sound through the space.
Most display equipment required for the exhibit must be provided.
Projections are usually prohibited because the space contains too much light.
Audible works must use headphones; they can not broadcast sound through the space.
AWD perfers to exhibit original artwork.
Originals of limited editions are permitted. They must be signed and numbered. For example: photographic prints, printmaking, bronze castings.
Un-editioned reproductions such as giclée’s, or print-to-order, are prohibited.
• AWD sells the artwork and processes the sales tax. AWD asks for a 40% donation upon sale.
• At least 50% of the exhibiting artworks must be for sale.
Call for Entries group exhibits
This model provides a theme for see how artists’ work relates to the theme. Artists apply to the call, then a juror of art professional stature chooses the artwork to exhibit. The application process is managed through a third-party service and requires an entry fee. Accepted artists exhibit for free. These exhibits usually occur in Gallery 1337.Curated group exhibits
This model invites curators, groups of artists, or arts organizations to pre-organize an exhibit. These exhibits usually occur in Gallery 1337 or the Invitational Galleries.Solo exhibits
AWD generally aims to offer the most opportunities for the most artists. Solo exhibits in Gallery 1337 are rare, but always considered. Most solo exhibits occur in the Invitational Galleries.Members’ benefits
AWD Artist Members receive discounts on Call for Entries application fees, participate in the annual Members’ exhibit, and are considered for unique opportunities and invitation to exhibit. Join the membership -
Each gallery space has unique characteristics. Where do you see your work exhibiting?
Gallery 1337:
AWD’s flagship gallery features traditional, contemporary, and cutting edge work. This is the most sought-after gallery space. The exhibit schedule offers various Call for Entries group exhibits and a few high-concept exhibits. Curated or solo exhibits are rare. The street-facing gallery space is also the main entrance into the AWD art center.Invitational Galleries:
The Underground Gallery offers an intimate space in the lower level. The gallery is available for solo and group exhibits and installations.The Founders’ Gallery offers a broad space in the lower level of AWD. The gallery is available for solo and group exhibits and good place to show sculpture. The space is also an intersection between artists’ studios and parts of the art center.
The Donors’ Gallery offers an elongated display area located on the street level opening onto Fourth Street. The display space is primarily for wall-art and acts as an egress into and out from the art center. This is a great space for displaying a series.
Thank You! Art Works Downtown recognizes your effort and applauds your art practice. Thank you for considering our venue as an opportunity to further your practice and share your artwork with the public.