Tree of Life, Clark Heist, digital pigment print, 60" x 40" x 2".
August 4–September 16, 2023
What conscious experience might exist beyond our common reality? Art Works Downtown presents a visual art exhibit exploring, answering, and enjoying this question. Beyond showcases work by Bay Area artists, which take the viewer beyond their present state of mind or offer visions of realities beyond our day-to-day life.
Exhibiting Artists
Heather Austin-Weir, Marijean Brush, Gail Caulfield, Yuan Chen, Laura Corallo-Titus, Ian Day, Joeann Edmonds-Matthew, Virginia Fauvre, Sam Fleeger, Alex Friedman, Janey Fritsche, Wendy Goldberg, Josie Grant, Douglas Heine, Clark Heist, Cynthia Jensen, Eric Kelly, Marie Krajan, Patricia Leeds, Carol Levy, Dottie Lo Bue, Sanda Manuila, Gloria Matuszewski, Gail Morrison, Kathy Pallie, Roz Ritter, Maryann Steinert-Foley, Mira White, Kathryn Wills, Arlene Wohl
Donna Seager, owner, director, Seager Gray Gallery,
Juror Statement:
“Seeing Beyond is a broad topic as artists explore both external and internal realities. Cosmic landscapes, Illuminated memories, endangered species, blurred faces and biomorphic shapes are just some of the entries – seemingly disparate but all reaching somewhere beyond common experience.
“With a mind toward works that reach beyond simple depiction of everyday life, I endeavored to choose works that showed some mastery of media in addition to engaging content for the viewer to consider.” – Donna Seager