Studio 28: Sunila Bajracharya
Anitya, Sunila Bajracharya, bronze, 20" x 7" x 4".
painting + sculpture
Listening to your inner voice is the art of living.
I was born in Nepal and moved to California in 2006. My dream has been to have a studio at Art Works Downtown since the first time I visited there. Every year I thought about having my own studio so I could become more deeply involved in my art, but time slipped away from me. This year my inner voice became so strong and determined that I applied for the AWD residence.
As a mother of two, a wife, and a full-time curator at Cedars, there are many demands on my time, but my small, inner voice says these elements can be sources for my creativity. “If there is a will, there is way!” Nothing can stop me if I want to start making art again today.
I am continuing on my inner journey of finding myself through art. I am working with many questions concerning space, social boundaries, and time and my own dharma. How does a different country make me different? How does my own mindset, my space, my time, affect me and my artmaking? I am searching for a way to express all of this through art.
I am fascinated by the expressiveness of the human form and their existing. I love working from live models and people I meet every day. That is usually the starting point for my improvisation: I observe carefully and then let my imagination and intuition take over. My main media are acrylics for painting, and wire, wax and clay for sculpting.
I am thankful to AWD for this opportunity to explore myself as an artist more fully.
Instagram: @art_sunila
The EACH Foundation Studio Artist Residency, 2021-2022
The EACH Foundation Studio Artist residency is a studio residency program generously funded by the EACH Foundation. The residency aims to support emerging artists by providing free studio space, exhibition opportunity, and exposure to the public for one year.
The EACH Foundation prides itself on being a radically inclusive, ethnically diverse, and impossibly efficient 501(c)3 grant-making nonprofit. EACH stands for eight giving areas (Education, Environment, Children, Community, the Arts, Animal welfare, Health, and Homelessness) which their thirty volunteers and philanthropic advisors give to for social change, granting over 10% of their assets per year to over 200 unique nonprofit organizations annually.• 415.277.5993 •
Woman with Red Vase, Sunila Bajracharya
Mary, Sunila Bajracharya