Connecting the Dots

Dobee Snowber

Dobee Snowber, We Got This, Dobee Snowber, 36" x 24".

We Got This, Dobee Snowber, 36" x 24".

June 9–July 28, 2023

When people ask me why I paint I immediately respond, it’s about connection.

It’s a bridge to the common ground I share with others and a direct connection to myself. 

My work is narrative, about moments. The familiar bits and pieces that combine in different ways and make up a life. Moments, like dots that exist in and of themselves and then segue into the next dot. I don’t know when I start a piece which moment I will zero in on. That is the magic in the process, revealing itself in its own creation.

After many years my work has come full circle and I have returned to the figure and faces, often incorporating the theme of swimmers, pools and water. Mixed in are images of home and structure and of assemblages, made from found objects I have collected over time. 

The swimmers plunge into or emerge out of the water, like the constantly changing moments in any given day; the effort to swim up and out and to breathe. In the absence of swimmers the pools appear, with or without water, still or tumultuous, taking on a life of their own. Or there are just faces, that hold their own story. The homelike structures are about entropy and the history they hold, worn and beaten but still standing. The Assemblages take this idea one step further by incorporating actual pieces of this history.

Dobee Snowber holds a BA in Intellectual History/Feminist Studies from Kirkland/Hamilton College and a BFA in Printmaking /Painting from the Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine. She has participated in several residencies including at the Vermont Studio School and Penland Art Center. She has shown extensively in various venues including galleries, museums, group collaborations, solo exhibits and commercial projects and is part of several private collections in the US and abroad. She is currently represented by SHOH Gallery , Berkeley, CA and Mary Praytor Gallery, Greenville, SC. 

Dobee is currently working as a mixed media artist, making time whenever possible to create. She has lived in the Bay area for over 25 years. Prior to that she lived in Santa Fe and various and sundry places east of the Rockies, including Maine, NY, Washington DC and New Jersey.  
Instagram: @dsnowber  
Facebook:  @Dobee.Snowber  


Weaving with Clay


Variety is the Spice of Life