Life Between Us
by Alejandra Chavez, Max Thelen Resident
Alejandra Chavez, All Roads Lead Home, oil on canvas, 24 x 30”
August 9–September 27
There is an East Asian theory called “the red string theory”. It states that two lovers destined to be together are connected by an invisible red string. This magnetic life force brings them together no matter how far they may stray from one another. The theory made me think about destiny. I believe everything is connected, but I still wonder. What is that life force that connects two beings or events? Beyond just romantic connections, this may be the same force that connects you to anything significant in your life. To me, this “red string theory” is a symbol of our connections and our destiny.
My paintings have been about creating worlds and stories. I wanted to loosen up on detail and allow myself to explore whatever came out. I did not entirely change my style, but what is clear is the birth of a new subject. My art has become about the journey and what I'm seeking. It was always about discovery, but now the images are clear. What I am seeking is still undefined, but I know one part of it is about connection.