
AWD's volunteers play an essential role in supporting the administration and programming of Art Works Downtown. As a volunteer, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you are part of a team, and that you are essential to the success of AWD and its mission.

Art Works Downtown's mission is to broaden our community's engagement with art.  Everything we do strengthens the creative fabric of our community and promotes art as a vital part of public life in San Rafael, Marin County, and beyond.

Thank you for your interest, our current volunteer opportunities include:

Gallery Receptionist
Do you enjoy fine art exhibits and engaging with visitors about art? Are you happy directing inquiries and taking messages? If yes, this may be a position for you. Art Works Downtown is an active art center serving many different groups of people while managing a large building with a very small staff. Gallery Receptionists are essential to our process because they provide a welcoming experience for our guests and regular community while allowing the staff to focus on other important work. This position greatly helps AWD maintain a positive atmosphere and productive workflow.  

To apply please contact elisabeth@artworksdowntown.org or call 415.451.8119

2nd Friday Art Walk at Art Works Downtown Gallery 1337 EcoArt Exhibition, 2023