AWD Newsletter Sign-Up

<script type="text/javascript" id="bloomerangForm24989696"></script>
<pre><script type="text/javascript">
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'' + 
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'' + 
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'    <div class="errors hidden"></div>' + 
'    <div class="section contact">' + 
'      <h3>Contact Information</h3>' + 
'      <div class="field text first-name required" >' + 
'<label for="first-name"><span class="label">First Name</span><span class="required-star">*</span></label>' + 
'<input id="first-name" name="first-name" class="required" type="text"></input>' + 
'</div>' + 
'<div class="field text last-name required" >' + 
'<label for="last-name"><span class="label">Last Name</span><span class="required-star">*</span></label>' + 
'<input id="last-name" name="last-name" class="required" type="text"></input>' + 
'</div>' + 
'<div class="field email email-address required" >' + 
'<label for="email-address"><span class="label">Email</span><span class="required-star">*</span></label>' + 
'<input id="email-address" name="email-address" class="email required" type="email" placeholder=""></input>' + 
'</div>' + 
'<div class="consent">I want to receive emails at this address</div>' + 
'' + 
'</div>' + 
'    <div class="section custom-fields">' + 
'      <h3>Additional Information</h3>' + 
'      <div class="field text CustomAccountField_18432" >' + 
'<label for="CustomAccountField_18432">Are you an artist? (If so, We\'ll let you know when unique artist opportunities in your community come up!)</label>' + 
'<select id="CustomAccountField_18432" name="CustomAccountField_18432"><option value=""></option>' + 
'<option value="19456">Yes</option>' + 
'</select>' + 
'</div>' + 
'' + 
'</div>' + 
'    ' + 
'    <div class="btn-group">' + 
'      <input class="btn btn-submit btn-submit-email" type="submit" value="Sign up"/>' + 
'    </div>' + 
'  </form>' + 
'</div>' + 
'' + 
'' +  '';var successHtml24989696 = '\u003cscript\u003ewindow.location.replace(\'\')\u003c/script\u003e';( function($) {if (!Bloomerang.useEmailId('24989696')) { 
                                    html24989696 = '<p style="color: red">Only one email sign-up form can be used on each page.</p>';
                                Bloomerang.Util.requireStripe();if (jQuery('#bloomerangForm24989696').length) {
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                                            return false;
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                     jQuery('.email-registration-form .section.captcha').attr('style', 'display: none'); 

        // Register proper callbacks for various stages/outcomes of submission
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            var val = function (selector) { return jQuery(selector).val(); };
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                    .homeEmail(val(".email-registration-form #email-address"))
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                    return false;
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        Bloomerang.Api.OnSuccess = Bloomerang.Widget.Email.OnSuccess = function (response) {
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        Bloomerang.Api.OnError = Bloomerang.Widget.Email.OnError = function (response) {
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        Bloomerang.Util.applyEmailSignupCustomFields = function (obj, type) {
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                if (jQuery(this).val().hasValue()) {
                    obj.customPickField(jQuery(this).attr("id").toUntypedValue(), jQuery(this).val());
            // Apply all multiselect fields
            jQuery(".email-registration-form .section.custom-fields .checkboxes[id*=" + type + "]").each(function() {
      ".checkbox.selected"), function(v) { return jQuery(v).attr("data-id"); }));
        String.prototype.hasValue = function() {
            return (this && jQuery.trim(this)); //IE8 doesn't have a native trim function
        Bloomerang.Account.applyEmailSignupCustomFields = function () {
            Bloomerang.Util.applyEmailSignupCustomFields(this, "Account");
            return this;
        Bloomerang.Interaction.applyEmailSignupCustomFields = function () {
            Bloomerang.Util.applyEmailSignupCustomFields(this, "Interaction");
            return this;
        String.prototype.toUntypedValue = function() {
            return this.substring(this.indexOf('_') + 1);

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                  .replace(".", "")
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            try {
                return (!value || value.match(/^[1-9]\d\d\d$/)) ? true : false;
            catch (e) {
                return false;
        }, function () { return "Must be a 4 digit year"; });

        jQuery.validator.classRuleSettings.validYear = { validYear: true };

        // Intercept form submission to validate then submit via API
        jQuery("#email-registration-form-container form").validate({
            submitHandler: function () {
                if (!Bloomerang.ValidateEmailSignupFormCaptcha()) {
                  return false;
                // Restore proper callbacks in case there are multiple widgets on the page
                Bloomerang.Api.OnSubmit = Bloomerang.Widget.Email.OnSubmit;
                Bloomerang.Api.OnSuccess = Bloomerang.Widget.Email.OnSuccess;
                Bloomerang.Api.OnError = Bloomerang.Widget.Email.OnError;
                var startBloomerangLoad = function() {
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                        script.type = 'text/javascript';
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                        waitForBloomerangLoad(function() { Bloomerang.Util.requireJQueryValidation(function() { insertForm24989696(); })});
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                var waitForBloomerangLoad = function(callback) {
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                        setTimeout(function () { waitForBloomerangLoad(callback) }, 500);
                    else {
                        if (true) {
                        } else {
                            window.bloomerangLoadStarted = undefined;
                            Bloomerang = undefined; // The version of Blomerang.js is not what we want. So blow it away and reload.
